** Before Travis jumps into his recap from this past weekend below we just wanted to say a few things. We want to start out by congratulating Travis and his entire team on a great season. These drivers and teams work extremely hard and spend so much time, money and effort all year long to be able to attend these Formula Drift rounds and perform at such an intense level.

We’re extremely proud to have Travis as part of our extended family. Over the past couple of years, he has been the definition of class and really lives up to, and exceeds, what we look for in a driver. The season’s last event at Irwindale is the perfect example of that. He stripped parts off his own car to help his friend, and competitor, Dylan Hughes be able to make his Top 16 battle. Dylan was the only one that could have beat Travis for the championship this year and all he needed was a single win in his Top 16 Battle. Travis knew that but still wanted to make sure that his friend had the opportunity to be champion. That is not just sportsman ship…thats the definitiion of class.

Travis always puts the sport first. So Travis CONGRATULATIONS again and THANK YOU! **


travis reeder fdirw

This event recap is going to be a little different than past examples for several reasons. Some of those reasons I am proud of and some…not so much. Formula Drift Irwindale was the most difficult, eye-opening, crazy and humbling event I’ve ever been a part of. If you would have told me in 2011 when I started drifting that I would be where I am today and what happened this past weekend was going to happen, I would laugh at you hysterically.

The crew and I started the weekend like any normal pro 2 round. Double checking things on the car, organizing parts and going over a general game plan for the coming weekend. The time came to head out on track for our first and only three-hour practice that connects straight to qualifying afterward. Immediately after the first lap, I knew the car was WAY off from what it needed to be for the steep and fast Irwindale oval. We made gear changes, shock changes, tire pressure adjustments and anything else we could do to try and get grip out of the car. It was overly tight and damn near undrivable. The difficult part of the situation we were in was that with our time limit, we had to juggle seat time and time making changes so that we didn’t favor one thing or another. In the end it only netted us 9 practice laps before it was time for qualifying.

I lined up on the grid, nervous as usual, but ready to get qualifying going to see where we land for the ladder part of the competition. I made my first lap, still fighting the car and struggling with the outrageous amounts of grip the car was still producing. I made multiple mistakes on the first and second banks but kept the car sideways for the whole run. We were given a 65 which was disappointing and placed the team and me outside of the pack for the comp on Friday. With the pressure high and me struggling to think of anything other than a championship, I lined up for my second run. I drove the car 120% with nothing to lose. I was prepared to wreck the car or get into the show, and although the team and many of my peers felt my second lap had solidified us a spot in top 16, it did not. I had scored only a few points below the cutoff and didn’t know how to feel. I had never failed to qualify for a drift competition throughout my career until now. And it just so happened to be the most important event of my life where a championship seemed the most possible. I felt like I let everyone down who had ever supported me. the déjà vu set in from last year where I had to wait on the sideline and let other drivers decide my championship at the final event of the year. We had a couple whiskey’s that night lol.

travis reeder fdirw 2

Friday was competition day, and although I was still feeling embarrassed and down, I held my head high and was ready to bench warm and wait for everything to unfold. With the focus on my good friend Dylan Hughes who had qualified 15th, the only driver who could clinch the championship from me, we watched from the grandstands as practice started. All Dylan had to do in the competition was advance past the top 16 and the championship would be his. Shortly after practice started, something happened that changed everything. Dylan had made a mistake and driven his car into the wall on the first corner.

Immediately after the hit I had stood up rapidly. I had only two choices. Knowing Dylan had very minimal spares for his car I could lock up my trailer and wait to see if he can fix the car before competition starts, most likely handing me the championship, or I could do what most people wouldn’t and do everything I could to get one of my closest friends back on track for a fighting chance at the title. I sprinted to my car which was parked at the AEM booth and drove it (faster than I should have) to the pit and waited for the tow truck to drop off Dylan’s mangled s13. I had gotten word that he needed nearly every passenger side suspension piece replaced to get the car 100% again. I made the decision to get my car on jack stands and offer Dylan and his crew any part they would need off it. With only an hour until opening ceremonies, I and my team, alongside Dylan’s thrashed as hard and as efficiently as we could to get his car together in time. We replaced front and rear lower control arms, front and rear coil overs, camber arms, tie rods, repaired a bent subframe and realigned the car. Dylan pulled the car on track just in time for opening ceremonies. We all were ecstatic seeing what we had done in such a short amount of time, and before we knew it the competition had started. Dylan lined up for his top 16 battle against Fillipi. As I stood on the outer bank, unable to see what was happening, I stared anxiously at the finish line. I was overflowing with nerves as I awaited the call from the judges. The decisions were in, and Dylan had failed to beat Fillipi and advance to the top 8.

This was the strangest feeling I had ever felt in my entire drifting career, I was unsure if I was supposed to feel bummed that a great friend was knocked out of competition after all of our hard work to get him back to the line, or to feel overjoyed that something I had always wanted so badly was finally mine, a pro 2 championship. Something hit me right then, it was now that It had dawned on me what professional drifting was all about. It’s about family all coming together to help each other and enjoy this crazy motorsport we all love so much, even if it means sacrificing certain things that mean worlds to you. So, with that, I am so proud and thankful for my amazing team for supporting me tirelessly through the ups and downs of this 2018 formula drift season. My family, for standing by my side no matter what and always having a smile on their faces. And my ever so awesome sponsors for believing in my small program and making sure I have every tool I need to succeed in this insane game. You are all the real MVP’s!



Travis is running Konig Ultraforms in 17×9 et 25mm front and 18×9 et 25mm rear. The Konig Ultraforms is Flow Formed.

Speed Academy’s 350z gets NEW WHEELS!!!

On the latest episode of Speed Academy’s DRIFT CAR BUILD OFF, Peter and Dave hook the 350z up with some Konig Dekagram Wheels as well as other accessories! Make sure to tune in and let us know what you think…

Speed Academy is running Konig Dekagram in 18×9.5 front et 25 and 18×10.5 et 18 rear. The Konig Dekagram is Flow Formed.

Boersma Racing’s Whirlwind Season Finale!

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Boersma Racing’s Whirlwind Season Finale!

Chris Boersma and the K-Tuned Honda Civic team headed to Toronto Motorsports Park for Round 5 of the CSCS season its final event. Chris and team headed into this event confident they would be able to break the record they had previously set closing the gap between Super Street and the Unlimited records.

Chris Boersma CSCS Rd5

The weather for this event was perfect for breaking records with no rain in sight, a nice change from all the other events this year. The team worked hard to prepare the car for this event, making some small aero changes and working to address an oil pressure related issue they had been dealing with all season.

The car performed flawlessly in qualifying with Chris setting the 2nd fastest time in class after hitting some traffic in his qualifying run. After looking at the data from the car it was clear that they were on pace to break their record finally getting into the 1:13 lap time range. With the data gathered, the team worked to prep the car for the final timed runs where Chris would put it all on the line.

Chris Boersma CSCS Rd5

The final timed runs started and Chris set his safe first lap and started on his second flyer. He was attacking every corner as hard as he could, the predictive lap time on the dash was showing a 1:12 lap time when Chris caught the car in front of him. This isn’t supposed to happen as the cars gape when they are sent out, the car in front had broken and decided to parade around the track rather than get off. Chris attempted to pass but was blocked. Chris was given an extra lap to try and repeat, however, the car began to overheat and the temperature protections kicked in and robbed him of another great lap.

Without his flyer laps, Chris had to settle for 2nd place, finishing behind the car that had ultimately blocked him on track. It was an unfortunate end to their CSCS season, “After working so hard to lose in this manner was one of the most disappointing things I’ve ever experienced in Time Attack” Chris said.

Leaving the event the team re-focused on getting the car ready for the SpeedRing event the following weekend, trying to think of the positives. The car was working better than ever and that means they had a real shot at doing well at that event. Chris’s dad put it best “Onward and upwards!”

Boersma is running Konig Ultraform in 18×10.5 et 25 front and 17×8 et 35 rear. The Konig Ultraform is Flow Formed.

FDTX Breakdown! Behind The Wheel Podcast: FD Edition!!!

On this episode of BEHIND THE WHEEL PODCAST: FD Edition, Scott and Joey talk FDTX!!! With the season coming to a close, this was for sure one of the more heated rounds of the season! As all the drivers are trying their best to close into the top position! Tune-in and let us know what you think and if you like it make sure to subscribe…

Behind the Wheel Podcast

You can also, subscribe or download the podcast on our website, iTunes, Google Play, Youtube & Sound Cloud:

itunes google play youtube stitcher

Thanks for listening!

Scott Weiss (Konig): Scott_Konig
Joey Redmond (Wrecked Magazine): joeyredmond
Konig Wheels USA Instagram: @konigwheelsusa

Behind The Wheel Podcast: FD Edition – RD 7 Texas

In this episode of the Behind the Wheel Podcast, Formula Drift edition, we cover the ups and downs of Formula Drift Round 7 in Texas. What started out feeling a bit Deja Vu-ish from St.Louis quickly panned out to be an exciting round that served as a proper setup for the championship and final round later this month at Irwindale.

If you like what we’re doing here, please subscribe! We’re on iTunes and Google Play! Additionally, every full episode is uploaded to YouTube!
…. (details/cheat sheet below! – Audio )

0:20 | Intro
1:52 | Dylan Hughes Needs A Win at Irwindale
4:39 | Rookie of the Year Race is Close
7:23 | Kevin Lawrence brings it!
9:50 | Ryan Literal goes to the Great 8!
13:42 | Jeff Jones Shows Consistent Growth
16:27 | STORYBOOK Worthouse battle…NOT AGAIN!
17:41 | Forrest Wang Faulted for Braking
20:04 | Travis Reeder Ties All-Time Wins Pro 2 Record
23:00 | Ken Gushi ALMOST Delivers on His Promise
24:32 | Aasbo Can halt the Back to Back
28:00 | Outro / Contact info


Scott Weiss (Konig): Scott_Konig
Joey Redmond : joeyredmond
Konig Wheels USA Instagram:


Lawrence recaps FDTX!!!

Lawrence and the Enjuku Racing team hit the Texas Motor Speedway track and tell us how they dealt with the rain and his battle with Piotr Wiecek! Enjoy and see you guys at the last round in Irwindale, CA!

“Hey everybody! It’s that time again where I get to share with you how my weekend went at Formula Drift, This time from Dallas, TX!

Thursday Practice.

After a great time in St. Louis I was eager to get out to Texas and drive. We took 6 laps total on Thursday with some slight progression in dialing in my line. We decided to call it early since the weather was looking like rain for Friday and I didn’t want to take all my allotted 12 practice laps in the dry in case it was to be raining for qualifying.


The weather was still calling for rain but now much later in the day. We went out to practice and it would seem like we would luck out and be able to practice and get our qualifying in before the rain hit. The first pair of runs now earlier in the day than on Thursday showed the track had actually lost a bit of grip in some areas but picked up some in others. We removed my rear sway bar but upped the tire pressure a bit as my car was washing out on turn 1 but was also struggling to get out to the outer zones. I was only able to get in 2 more laps before qualifying and was feeling frustrated as I had yet to put down a solid pass checking off all the clips and zones.

Qualifying pass 1 I leave the gate and again wash out a bit on turn 1 leaving some points on the table at inner clip 1. I get to outside zone1 but short come to the touch and go before making the dive tight into inner clip 2. Transition into outer zone 2 a bit early and don’t quite reach out to it and wrap tight around the final turn and inner clip 3.
I was awarded a 70 for this run so I would have to clean it up for run 2.

Qualifying pass 2 I enter into turn 1 with a much tighter line and clean up my first half of the run. Deeper into outer zone 1 but still struggle to get to the touch and go which put me on a very tight line to inner clip 2. I barely squeeze by it after taking some angle out and again transition too soon before outer zone 2. Leave again quite a bit of point on the line there before another tight pass through the final turn before bumping the last inner clip. Being I cleaned up the first half of the run my score this time around was a 74. After all the drivers completed their runs we had a quick drivers meeting to go over our qualifying order. I ended up qualifying 30th this round and would be up battling Piotr Wiecek in the Worthouse S15.


Knowing I was struggling yesterday with the line I knew I would have to put it all together and lay down some good practice runs to be ready for battle with Piotr. I was able to get in 5 runs all of which would have been much higher scored qualifying runs so needless to say a nights rest to clear my mind and start fresh was exactly what I needed. The car was running amazing and seemed to be on par or better speed wise with some of the fastest cars on the grid.
pulling up to the line I am in the chase position and ready for battle. The lights go out and off we go, I am aggressive on the run-up not leaving much distance between Piotr and myself. He initiates into the first turn and I make my dive right on his door I have to fall off just a bit to avoid some contact which puts my front bumper right on his rear wheel. I bump him a bit about 3/4 through the first turn and again just before the first inner clip. I have to choke up a bit behind him going into the first rear zone and transition wide behind him before going into the touch and go where I am able to reel him in again. As we dive towards inner clip 2 I hesitate to get on the throttle as I am blinded by the smoke and don’t want to make big contact and knock him off his line. Coming through the smoke I see he has pulled some distance which forces me to take a shallower line through the final rear zone before catching up some distance and finishing tight to the final inner clip. At this point, my blood is pumping and I’m super stoked on the run. We pull back to the line for my turn to lead, I jump the line twice before the lights go out from just being super excited. On the third attempt to send us we get a clean start and off I go. I manji enter into the turn and am immediately on the throttle. I pull about 1.5 cars on Piotr into the first turn, he gains some proximity before having to check up to get around inner clip 1. At this time I pull an even larger gap on Piotr going into outer zone 1 and transitioning into the touch and go. Big angle and tight on inner clip 2 that Piotr ends up taking out and I transition deep into the second rear zone before finishing off the run tight on the final clip with still a dominate gap on Piotr. The judges go over both replays a few times before making their decision during this time Piotr got out of his car to tell me what an awesome run it was and how surprised he was on my cars ability to pull away, the judges come back and voted 2-1 for an OMT battle so we have to run again which caught both myself and I think Piotr by surprise.


Toss on a fresh set of tires and were back at the line. I knew I would have to be just as aggressive on this battle in the chase so I pushed a bit harder. I ended up going a bit too hard which pushed me on a bit of a wider line and I washed out the front end some and my rear tires ended up on the marbles on the wider line. I tighten up just as we go through inner clip 1 and giver her all she’s got through the power alley and into the touch and go where I’m able to dive in a bit. Again I get blinded by the smoke and transition a bit too early going into the final rear zone before finishing off the run with a bit of space behind Piotr. Pulling back to the start line in the lead lane I know I need Piotr to make a big mistake in order for me to win however that doesn’t happen often at all. Out of the gate, I do a big Manji entry into turn one, I am on a bit of a wide line but tighten it up again through the inner clip. Through the clip, I pull a big gap on Piotr again and transition into the touch and go before diving into inner clip three and going deep into outer zone 2. Finishing out the run on a decent line but my first lead was much better. Piotr was able to gain proximity to me before the finish line while doing well keeping on my same line in the latter half of the run. The judges review the runs and Piotr is announced the winner and would advance into the top 16 ending my weekend in TX.

Overall the weekend was amazing, I was lucky enough to dodge all driving in the rain in both practice and battles and everything with the car went smooth. The car is insanely fast and I’m getting so much more comfortable with it and comfortable in the chase position. Huge shout out to all the Sponsors of our program, the team for keeping me and the car together and cool, as well as all our fans. You all play a big part in our program and we wouldn’t be out here doing what we love without your support so Thank You! I am really excited to be heading to Irwindale as I have not driven there since 2015 and was able to get a 3rd place finish there in Pro2 so I’m hoping to replicate that again now being in Pro1.

Thanks again, I’ll see everyone in California in 2.5 weeks!


Kevin is running Konig Dekagram in 17×9 et 25mm front and 18×9.5 et 25 rear. The Konig Dekagram is Flow Formed.

Robbins recap of FDTX!!!

Formula Drift Texas was full of some great battles in both Pro and Pro 2! With a podium finish in FDSTL, our boy Alec Robbins is back with a vengeance! Check out below as Robbins recaps his experience in Texas…

“Texas is one of my favorite tracks. Everything is, in fact, bigger in Texas. Big fast entries, a long sweeping power alley, and ending with a wallride and tight inner clip, its got a little bit of everything. Going into our first practice, we like to focus on our lead runs and prepare for qualifying. our suspension setup was left the same from St. Louis but Texas being we little bit tighter track we found ourselves stuck in between two gear ratios. 3rd gear is a bit too high and fourth not quite having the power we needed to keep the tires lit up. We decided to run a gear high in practice and qualifying, with some clutch work it was able to keep the tires spinning in a lower rpm and make for a smooth run. I felt confident behind the wheel and we were able to put down a good run to score us a 6th place qualification. However, we knew running a gear high was not going to work well in tandem competition the next day. So the team went to work making some rather large suspension adjustments. When practice went underway Friday the track was half wet and half dry, making it hard to determine if our changes were working or not. After a few runs the track dried out, and with one more rear toe adjustment, we were feeling good. running in third gear left us touching the rev limiter quite a bit down the power alley, but with more grip in the car, we were able to keep the speeds up and not have to sacrifice too much angle. Our top 16 battle had us up against the S14 of Sebastian Gunther. Leading first I put down a great run. hitting all the clips and zones and even pulling a bit of a gap on Sebastian. Judges made it clear in the drivers meeting, they wanted to see aggressive follows, so I knew I wanted to stay close even though I knew I had an advantage. He got a small jump on me off the line but I was able to close the gap and get on his door by the first inner clip. I stayed close through the power alley navigating through his thick smoke. Coming into the last outside zone Sebastian slowed more than I had anticipated and I had to get on the brakes hard, and ended up making contact in the last zone. I was able to finish the run but Sebastian straitened just before the finish line. Judges deemed me at fault and the battle was lost. It was very frustrating but always a learning experience. The team did amazing all weekend in the heat and ever-changing weather conditions and I am so thankful for all of their support. Looking forward to the final round at another new track for us, Irwindale CA. Already getting excited to get back in the driver’s seat!”

Make sure to follow Alec Robbins on Instagram at @alecrobbinsracing for more!

Alec is running Konig Hypergrams in 18×9.5 et 25 on the front and rear in RED OPAL. The Konig Hypergram is Flow Formed.

Jason Whitfield on The Behind The Wheel Podcast!!!

One of the pioneers of the import tuning car culture, Jason Whitfield takes over the Behind the Wheel podcast and talks to Scott (Konig Wheels, Marketing Director) about his legendary killing-time CRX, go back to the NOPI days, the deal with General Motors, the state of the scene today and so much more!

If you like what you hear and see, please consider subscribing! We’re on iTunes, Google Play and of course the full video version of every episode is on YouTube! Thank you!

Matt Vankirk

You can also, subscribe or download the podcast on our website, iTunes, Google Play, Youtube & Stitcher:

itunes google play youtube stitcher

Thanks for listening!

Jason Whitfield: @whitfieldmfg

Scott Weiss (Konig): @scott_Konig

Boersma Racing Back To Their Winning Ways!!!

boersma logo

Boersma Racing Back To Their Winning Ways!

Chris Boersma and the K-Tuned Honda Civic team headed to Shannonville Motorsports Park for Round 4 of the CSCS season. This is the second year CSCS has come to this famous track, with Chris and team taking the overall Super Street record at the inaugural event last year. The team had been hard at work with changes to try and see if they could break their record again this year.

Chris Boersma CSCS Rd4

The weather for this event was perfect for breaking records with no rain in sight, a nice change from all the other events this year. The team had spent the downtime between events, building a new engine and getting it in the car between events. The team has been fighting issues with oil drain back which has forced Chris to only turn 1 or 2 laps before running low on oil. Changes were made in the new engine that would hopefully solve the problem once and for all. The team would use this event as a test as they were immediately leaving for GridLife South Festival after this event.

The car performed flawlessly with the new engine and Chris managed to break his previous Super Street record running a 1:51.357 right off the bat. “The car is just so easy to drive this year, it’s so consistent and predictable which makes my job a lot easier” Chris commented after the record-breaking run. Chris went on to say “The braking in this car this season is unbelievable, I’ve consistently moved my braking points back at every event we’ve run and still feel like there’s more to go. Every time I step on the pedal the car does exactly what I want and I feel like that’s been a huge part of the gains we’ve seen this year in times.” The team managed to see over 2Gs under braking at this event and Chris really felt like that was a big part of what contributed to the new record time.

Chris Boersma CSCS Rd4

The team was very happy with the results from this event, other then a bath the car doesn’t need anything before leaving for GridLife South, where Chris and team hope to break the TrackMod FWD record and put a better foot forward than when they were there for the GTA event in May.

Boersma is running Konig Ultraform in 18×10.5 et 25 front and 17×8 et 35 rear. The Konig Ultraform is Flow Formed.

Behind The Wheel Podcast: – EP06 – Jason Whitfield

There are some people that help shape a scene. Whether they intend to or not they end up impacting the entire future of a culture, Jason Whitfield is one of these people. Jason was one of the pioneers of the import tuning car culture that came out of Southern California.

In the mid-to-late 90’s his influence helped lay the groundwork for what would become the fast and furious boom that exploded this culture to the mainstream. His hundreds of personal and customer builds pushed envelopes and set some records that lasted for decades. Jason pushed boundaries with speed but also ventured into, then, uncharted territory with OE’s like General Motors back in the Nopi days.

Jason Whitfield is the owner and operator of Whitfield Manufacturing. They offer a wide range of general metal fabrication services. However, they are most noted in the automotive scene for their custom exhaust manifolds, weld-in cages, tubular subframes, custom wings and other components with a specialty in Hondas.

In this podcast, we go far deeper than just Jason’s personal story. We share real car build tips, talk about the progression of the sport compact segment of the automotive industry and so much more!

As always you can use our timeline cheatsheet (below) to jump around in the podcast and hear what you like the most.

Thanks for all of your support and listening!

And please, if you like the podcast and what we’ve been doing here, please subscribe! We’re on iTunes, Google Play and we always put the full video interviews on our YouTube Channel (links below)! Thank you for listening!

CONTENT CHEAT MENU (podcast audio):
0:20 | Intro / 10 question quick-fire
1:55 | Who is Jason Whitfield
3:09 | Why Jason Whitfield
4:35 | Let’s go back to the mid-90s
6:00 | Fastest 1.5 liter Honda! Killing time CRX
8:45 | NO forums! NO google! NO youtube!
12:06 | Ahead of our time!
13:45 | Turbo Magazine
15:45 | TRUE 1.5L NON-VTEC
20:29 | Remembering Shaun Carlson
37:08 | Was Shaun the reason you opened a shop?
45:50 | How many small shops survived
46:48 | Comradery amoungst racers…it’s too easy now!
48:31 | Stephan Papadakis & How it use to be
50:08 | How your shops have evolved…it’s not the size of your shop, its how you use it!
54:00 | Customer base in the beginning & it’s progression
59:16 | First time Jason and Scott met…Nopi Nationals 2006
59:45 | The sickest and one of the fastest Chevy Cobalts
1:00:25 | Building cars for GM (General Motors)
1:10:32 | GM DEAL taught me so much business wise
1:12:03 | Here’s a stock Chevy Cobalt…Make it run 10s!
1:14:48 | Running 9’s in a Cobalt ?!?!
1:16:56 | Trying to make a Cobalt have Civic type following.
1:25:15 | More than just a car build
1:30:11 | The Cobalt today
1:30:45 | ** PRO TIP!!! ** DOT LINE instead of vacuum line.
1:38:25 | Favorite builds
1:40:49 | A focus on safety
1:45:44 | Not worth being reckless
1:49:20 | All Wheel Drive Craze!
1:50:40 | Choosing a shop is your responsibility!
1:51:26 | Where to find Jason / outro


Scott Weiss (Konig) Instagram: @scott_Konig

Jason Whitfield: @whitfieldmfg

Whitfield MFG Website:

More on the Konig Behind The Wheel Podcast and to SUBSCRIBE:
